Question 16: Adam Our Federal Head

December 17 2017
December 17 2017

Question 16: Did all mankind fall in Adam's first transgression?

Answer: The covenant being made with Adam, not only for himself, but for his posterity; all mankind, descending from him by ordinary generation, sinned in him, and fell with him, in his first transgression.

This question states the federal headship of Adam. In other words, it reminds us that Adam was our representative before God, so that we bear the consequences of his sin. The answer to this question may be offensive to many, because it appears to be unfair. Why were people not given a choice for themselves, rather than having to suffer the consequences of someone else's sin? Before answering this objection, it is helpful to remember first of all that the catechism is simply telling us what the Scriptures say: "In Adam all die." (1 Corinthians 15:22) The offense, if there is any, is caused by the Bible. But here especially we must beware of pride. We did not choose Adam as our head, but God did. Would we have made a better choice than God?

The exception clause in this statement reminds us of the superiority of God's wisdom in choosing. There is one man who was descended not in an "ordinary" way, but by a virgin birth (Matthew 1:18). This man, Jesus, is also a federal head. In fact, the full quote of 1 Corinthians 15:22 is this: "As in Adam all die, so in Christ shall all be made alive." God's greatest choice was not Adam, but Jesus, as he had always planned it should be. And just as we are all dead in our sins without having personally chosen to become that way (Ephesians 2:1-3), so also in Christ we realize that we are the benefactors of a resurrection which we never could have accomplished for ourselves (Ephesians 2:4-8). God's ways are not our ways; they bring far greater glory to him, and far greater good to his people, than we ever could have!

Bemoaning the fact that we are in Adam and had no original choice will do us no good. Much more useful is the question, will we lay hold of Christ and find new life in him?


Reference: Explanation of the Shorter Catechism by Thomas Vincent


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