Why Visit a Church?

Even if you have never done it before and have little interest in Christianity, you should visit a church. Here are few reasons why.

You are a worshiper.

Maybe you have never described yourself that way. But do you ever try to use someone or something else to find happiness, satisfaction, or approval? Is there anyone or anything you feel obligated to obey? The word for something that commands our affection or obedience is "god"; the word for seeking out that god is "worship." We all do it. Since you are a worshiper, wouldn't it be wise to evaluate the quality of your god or gods? Is it really possible to go very far down that path of evaluation without examining the claims of the Christian God, who claims to be the only God and who has commanded the love and loyalty of a group of people on earth since the beginning of human history? There is no better place to begin than by observing Christians in their public worship.

Something is going to happen after you die.

Even many non-Christians think (or at least hope) that there will be an afterlife. Are you ready for that? The Bible claims that you will meet God and will be evaluated on one simple criteria. Did you trust in Jesus Christ and follow him as the only one who can save you from your sins and the punishment of hell? If you did, then you will be granted eternal life with Christ. If you did not, you will be punished forever. Those are the highest possible stakes. Will you not at least investigate the claim?

You have problems.

We don't mean that as an insult. It's just that we've never met anyone (including ourselves) without problems. Every religion and philosophy of life tries to deal with those problems, and Christianity presents an entirely unique set of answers. At the heart of the Christian answer is the truth that life is not about you, but about God, which means that dealing with your problems is not supposed to be a selfish pursuit but a God-honoring one. Along with that, Christianity teaches grace - which means that the solution to your problems doesn't come from inside of you but only as a gift from God. If you haven't tried this approach before, you should - it's the only way to make real progress with life's most fundamental issues.

There's no better place to be on earth!

Church doesn't compete with the rest of the world in terms of "putting on a show." The world can have that. Church is qualitatively different. It is a place where the God who created the world meets with his people together, speaks to them, and blesses them. You probably have some interest in being happy. Who better to make you that way than the one who designed you and knows exactly how to provide you with true happiness? Don't come to church looking for an emotional high. We're not trying to manipulate your emotions. We are proclaiming and experiencing a joy that is far deeper, one that endures even through the most difficult times, as we anticipate the ultimate fulfillment of that joy when Jesus Christ takes us home to heaven to be with him.